How to manage the TP-Link GPON OLT P1201?



This Article Applies to: TP-Link GPON OLT P1201 Ver.1;

The GPON network system consists of three components, which are Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Optical Network Terminal (ONT) and the Optical passives. For TP-Link GPON OLT P1201, it can support multi-ways to be managed. This article will give you an introduction about these methods.

In the summary, there are two methods to managed OLT P1201, CLI and NMS.

  1. CLI

The CLI of OLT can be used via local terminal connection or a remote session using Telnet. The OLT supports three methods users to use CLI to do the configuration:

  1. Local access to the OLT through the RS232 console port on front panel.

You will need a RJ45-to-DB9 console cable and a Terminal emulation software like HyperTermial or any other terminal tools.

Step1. Connect to the OLT.

If you don’t have a serial port on your PC, you will need a USB-to-RS232 convertor to expand a serial port for your PC.

Step2.Run a terminal tool with the attributes.

Band Rate: 9600(Note: 8PON Port OLT is 9600, 16 PON Port OLT is 115200)

Data Bit: 8

Parity Check: NO

Stop Bit: 1

Flow Control: NO

When the OLT start up, the terminal program will display the login prompt automatically. Access the OLT as follows:


OLT>username: root

Password: (admin as default)



  1. Telnet access of Outband Interface Access.

The default IP address of TP-Link P1201 is You will need to set your computer IP address to the same subnet with the Then connect your PC to the MGMT port and run the CMD.


OLT>username: root

Password: (admin as default)



  1. Telnet access of Inband Interface Access

If you cannot connect to the device locally, you will need this way to manage the OLT. You should login via console, and create a dedicated management VLAN for inband management, assigned an IP address to this interface, add the uplink port which the management PC is connected to this management VLAN. In the following example, the management PC will connect to the GE9 port and access the OLT through VLAN 100.

OLT> enable

OLT# config

OLT(config)# vlan 100

OLT(config)# interface ge

OLT(interface-ge)# vlan access 9 100

OLT(interface-ge)# exit

OLT(config)# interface vlanif 100

OLT(interface-vlanif-100)# ip address

OLT(interface-vlanif-100)# exit

Finally, use the telnet to access the OLT.

  1. NMS

The NMS is a software which based on SNMP protocol. It’s a C/S architecture integrated device management platform.

Step1. Install the EMS software to your PC.

Double click the TP-Link PON EMS-V2.0-Setup.exe. Then click “Next” till it finished. After all, you will see two typical Shortcuts, TP-Link PON EMS Client and TP-Link PON EMS Server.

Step2. Run the EMS Server and EMS Client.

The architecture of EMS is C/S (Server and Client), Server and Client. You should start Server program before start Client program.

Note: To ensure operational performance of software, it is recommended that the Server and Client be installed on the computer in the same LAN or the same computer.

For the first time login, you will need to create "User Name", and enter a custom password after "Password" and "Assure Password".

Then click “OK”, it will display”Create User:xxx successful”.

After login the client successfully, you will see the main page as follow.

Step3. Configure the SNMP on OLT.

Because the EMS is based on the SNMP protocol, so we need to enable the SNMP firstly and set the community name for read and write.

Step4. Add the GPON OLT device.

You need to add the OLT to the EMS manually, which means build up the connection between EMS and OLT.

Click the icon on the left top, then a windows will popup. There are four information you need to fill in: Device Name, IP, Read Community and Write Community.

Step5. Manage the device by EMS.

After adding the device, it will show the screen as following. You can find it shows on the panel and also you can find the ONU device which connected to the PON port.

You can also configure the device based on Switch Card and PON card, even the ONU information.

For more details about the configuration based on EMS, you can refer to the User Guide.